05 July 2006

Fallen Soldier Gets a Bronze Star but No Pagan Star

I have to agree with the sentiment expressed in this piece that the VA is worried about offending all of those conservative Bible Thumpers out there that managed to foist George Jr. upon us lo those many years ago.

Fallen Soldier Gets a Bronze Star but No Pagan Star — Washington Post

At the Veterans Memorial Cemetery in the small town of Fernley, Nev., there is a wall of brass plaques for local heroes. But one space is blank. There is no memorial for Sgt. Patrick D. Stewart.

That's because Stewart was a Wiccan, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has refused to allow a symbol of the Wicca religion -- a five-pointed star within a circle, called a pentacle -- to be inscribed on U.S. military memorials or grave markers.The department has approved the symbols of 38 other faiths; about half of are versions of the Christian cross. It also allows the Jewish Star of David, the Muslim crescent, the Buddhist wheel, the Mormon angel, the nine-pointed star of Bahai and something that looks like an atomic symbol for atheists.

Stewart, 34, is believed to be the first Wiccan killed in combat... .

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