22 June 2008

Guest Dog Update...

The guest dog we had at the end of last week got re-connected with his owner on Friday evening.
Unfortunately, she had to pick him up from the pound — it was just too much extra stress for the wife having him at the house.
About 30 minutes after she texted me to let me know that the county had picked him up, I got a call from the owner; I had put up posters all around two days earlier, but she had managed not to see them.
Since she was going to have to get him back from the county, it as going to cost her a few dollars, but I'm not sure how much. And since he wasn't wearing a rabies tag, there may have been a fine for that, as well, depending on whether or not she had his vaccination certificate to take with her.

I'm glad he's home, though, & hope that it spurs his owner on to get tags for him.

18 June 2008

Guest Dog

So, I went to see what the dogs were barking at this morning, & found this guy wandering the neighborhood.
He appears to be a jack russell mix (maybe with a beagle?)
I took him to a vet nearby to see if he might have a microchip ID — no such luck, though. The vet thought he was maybe 2 ½ years old, & pretty healthy looking; the boys loved playing with him all day, & they all wore themselves out.
I left his description with Animal Control, in case anybody calls looking for him, & we put up a couple of fliers nearby. The wife took him for a walk around the neighborhood to see if anyone came out to say, “Hey, that's my dog!”, but no such luck.
She did meet a couple of people, though, who said that they thought this guy, & one other had been dropped off a few days ago in the neighborhood — we're near a university, & idiot students do that kind of thing all the time, I guess… .

When he started to get hungry this evening, he was a little naughty & made a grab for something that smelled tasty on a shelf — when I snapped at him a little, he shrunk back like a dog that had probably been hit before… How could anyone be like that with something so sweet?
Unfortunately, we really don't have the means to keep him, & may have to send him off to the pound tomorrow :-(
It absolutely doesn't help that I think he's adorable.

17 June 2008

I gotta get cable!

VIENNA (Reuters) - Whether it has any bearing on Monday's crunch Euro 2008 match between the two countries is debatable but Austria drew first blood on Sunday when their topless women's soccer team beat Germany 10-5.

15 June 2008

True Love?

Due South BBQ
The New River Valley's only real Pit Cooked BBQ... follow the smoke to the real thing.
due South BBQA co-worker mentioned Due South to me recently; I can't believe they've been in the area for this long, & I hadn't tried it.
Killer barbecue, and they serve breakfast seven days a week!

I can't remember the last time I made such heartfelt yummy noises based solely on the scents getting into my nose. For someone who grew up used to Eastern Carolina style BBQ, it was insane goodness.
Each order comes with a choice of three of their five varieties of heaven sauce:
  • Hot Red – 1st Place 2007 Va. State Championship
    Tomato Base, warm, slightly sweet.
  • Sweet Red – Tomato Base, sweet & tangy
  • Lexington – Vinegar Base, spicy
  • Yellow – Mustard Base, sweet & tangy
  • Sweet Brown – Tomato base, dark and sweet
The Lexington has a heart rendering goodness, and the Hot Red was very tasty as well; the Sweet Red was just a little too sweet for my taste, but still pretty good.
Next time — you'd better believe there's going to be a next time — I'll have to try the Yellow & the Sweet Brown, though I may end up buying the Lexington by the quart.

11 June 2008

Stimulate this!

Like many Americans, we're awaiting the arrival of our stimulus check... . All $4.36 of it!

Seems the Treasury Department feels that it's in our best interest that they take the rest of what we've been paying monthly for our 2006 taxes, instead of letting us actually use the stimulus check for something important, say... paying down our debt?
The image “http://img117.echo.cx/img117/4209/smile0109il.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Who am I kidding, this Administration doesn't know squat about paying down debt... .

It turns out that quite a few states are also taking part in this offset program. And it turns out that a lot of people are pretty pissed about it, too.

The real test will be next month, when the IRS is not supposed to withdraw any money from my bank account to continue our repayment schedule, which was working just fine for us, BTW.

03 June 2008


a wonderful tabby

We lost this guy last night to a passing car going too fast for our residential street.
He was a sweet guy who found us last fall, & has been dining on our front porch.
We kept saying that we need to get him fixed & find a home for him, but never were able to find a place for him.

We'll miss you, bud.