29 July 2003

whose vacation?

Well, my wife is off on a ten day trip with her two sisters and their mom for Mom's birthday... to Hawaii, no less, leaving me home to have a little quiet time... .
People ask if I'm upset about not going, & I explain that though I like her family, after a few days on a small island with them (Kauai) it would be not be a fun time anymore.

All the guys who understand this, raise your hands (after loudly proclaiming to your spouse, "That guy must be crazy for not enjoying his in-laws more!")

23 July 2003

Blondes aren't stereotypical... are they?

Last week, I sent this very typical blonde computer joke to the blonde girls in our office after receivng it from a very blonde friend of mine.
A blonde goes into a curtain store and says to the salesman, "I would
like a pink curtain the size of my computer screen".
"But madam" says the salesman "computers do not have curtains."
"Oh, hellooooo" says the blonde "I've got Windows!"

As I was leaving the office that afternoon, one of them was going out across the front parking lot with me, berating me about the joke. Then she stopped, looked around, and said,"Oh, I parked behind the building today.... . Don't you dare tell anyone!"


05 July 2003

Happy Birthday Us

Dontcha just love July fourth? Get a couple of nice juicy steaks, fire up the grill, grab a cold beer.............
Then try to figure out where the hell you put that tarp so you can cover the grill in some fashion before the latest freak thunderstorm (not forecasted, thankyou very much).
I just love standing under an umbrella while I cook, don't you?