16 December 2009

30 October 2009

You know...

I'm all for respecting other people's religious views, but WTF, BBQ?!
Iraqi man accused of running down daughter found in Atlanta.
(CNN) -- Authorities said Friday that an Iraqi man, accused of running down his daughter in Arizona because she had become "too Westernized," has been taken into custody in Atlanta, Georgia.

26 October 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go Now??

It's bad enough that I bombed the exam we had last week, & am currently failing the class with a 38 (WTF?!), now I have to decide if it's actually feasible for me to be able to pass at all.

Looking at the points on the syllabus, & the amount of the project just assigned (100 points) due at the end of the semester, can I accumulate enough points to hold a D average?
I would need a minimum of 79% on everything from here on out... .

Is that doable? I'm really not sure.

And now in the midst of the next crux homework assignment — due in 2 hours — I find myself thinking of all that I could do with the time I'd have if I just stopped spending the time in class, & the hours of frustration outside of class trying to scrape by.

Sure, I'll have to take the class again, next spring, or next year, but will I feel more in control of it then?
Who knows!

A great comic!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

22 October 2009


Just had a scary thought.
What would it take for me to quit my job & go into the business of Animal Welfare?

14 October 2009

A Tale of Two Drives

On the right, a Lacie 20Gb drive I found while cleaning out my closet at work.
It's seven or eight years old, with USB 1 & Firewire 400 connections.

Hot sh1t at the time.

On the left, a new 16Gb flash drive... .
'Nuf said.

03 October 2009

How do they find us?

Really... Our vet says we have a "sucker" light on the roof.
An hour ago, he was scared & shaking - now he's conked out on my lap after a meal & a little play time.
You can see all his little ribs, & you can see all the sweetness in his eyes, too.
I hope that we can find a foster home for him today; I hate the idea of taking him to the pound, but I'm not sure a dozen animals is something that we can do right now.
Anyone in the NRV ready for a little puppy love??

13 September 2009

Back at It

The new school year has started, and along with budget woes, & what it may mean for the future of any of us on campus, I'm also back in class, & scratching my head of Oracle & SQL.

Our program is largely distance ed, with groups in five locations throughout the region.
In the spring, due to a combination of technical glitches, and calendar issues, we missed three classes.

That doesn't seem like too much, until you consider that we only meet once a week, so we really missed three weeks of the semester!

And now that the we're in the next section of that class, at least a handful of students feel woefully unable to get a hold of what we're doing.

And it feels worse since there are students in the class who didn't have that issue in the spring.

With any luck the instructor will set up a major review session for us.


Remember when you were little, & after summer vacation you had to learn long division (or whatever) all over again?
That's exactly how I'm feeling about SQL queries...

07 September 2009

Dear Sirs

All we want is to do our fucking jobs, without all of the petty B.S. that goes on at the higher levels of Administration.

Sincerely yours,

21 August 2009

Norton Safe Web presents the Dirtiest Web Sites of Summer 2009

Symantec’s Web site ratings service Norton Safe Web presents the Dirtiest Web Sites of Summer 2009 — the top 100 infected sites based on number of threats detected by Norton Safe Web as of August 2009.

Norton Safe Web analyzes sites using signature-based file scanning, intrusion detection engines, behavioral detection and install/uninstall analysis to identify security risks including phishing sites, malicious downloads, browser exploits and links to unsafe external sites. In other words – dirty stuff you don’t want on your computer!

07 August 2009


Armani the German ShepherdI picked up Armani on Rt 11 yesterday, at a spot that turned out to be about 2 miles from his house! He must have taken himself for quite the walk.

I eased off the shoulder of the road behind him, & as soon as the door was open he jumped into the back seat without my even having to ask if wanted to go for a ride

He's lucky enough to have a tag with a phone number, so I was able to get him home, though he must have been lonely — he got back into my car three times before I was able to leave!

A very friendly (and large) guy, I'm happy to have made his acquaintance.

04 August 2009

Black Tea Energy Drink.

Possibly my new favorite!
Amp Energy with Black Tea is not too sweet, with a hint of lemon in the black tea. And who doesn't like a nice glass of iced tea?
The lose points, though, for having a flash based web site that is thoroughly inaccessible to any non-mouse user.
Like all of the amp drinks, though, & most brands for that matter, the can is more than anybody really needs at one time.
Red Bull, Guru, & Blue Sky are still readily available in the 8 ounce size, which makes them perennial winners.

New Netbook Ready for Action

The HP-2133, with the default installation of Windohs XP Home on it.
It runs great with Linux on it, but I was having a devil of a time getting the resolution set up on an external monitor, or getting decent output to a printer!
When I have more time to dig into the X11 config file, I'll try it again, but it's not something I can get to right now, as I'm trying to create a Windows XP installer with SATA drivers for the wife's new Dell notebook that came with their Linux install on it.

14 July 2009

Back to School, Summer Edition

So sometimes I wonder why I'm still working on this B.S., especially now that it's going to become a three year program for me (and a few others in the cohort), instead of the two year plan.
The work load is heavy enough that some of us decided to much demand on the rest of our lives to struggle through it, so I & a couple of others aren't taking the software engineering sections this year, but putting them off until the fall 2010 semester.
But I made it through the summer, after a jumpy start. The programming class they wanted to jam into the 6 week summer session was so packed that they gave anyone who wanted the option to drop it & take it as offered in a 10 week summer session next year — all but two of us took advantage of it!
But that also freed up my second short summer session to pick up a geography class that I needed
— paid with a tuition waiver, so that's a bonus!
A month off, & then we're back to it with everyone in session.

10 July 2009

Vacation Destination!

Berlin 'sex academy' offers tips for visitors
The show features several life-sized plastic models, naked and in various positions. One female mannequin light ups when touched in the right spot. A voice shrieks "That's it!" when the visitor manages to put his finger on the elusive G-spot.

Next to it is what the museum called its "Spank-o-metre." It measures the level of pleasure a mannequin receives when spanked with a leather whip.
Pack your bags!

18 June 2009


Beam Me Up Scotty

Beam Me Up Scotty
  • Looks nice in the glass.
  • Has a wonderful aroma.
  • Tastes exquisite going down!

31 May 2009

Rudy serves himself.

When Rudy didn't want his breakfast this morning, I figured I'd take the boys for some playtime to work up his appetite.
It must have worked -- he caught & ate two baby rabbits, much to the chagrin of the other dog parents at the park!

19 April 2009

17 January 2009

So glad they cleared that up!

Top Saudi cleric: OK to wed young girls - CNN.com
A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."