27 September 2006

Too many lives lost in Iraq

Dalai Lama: Too many lives lost in Iraq.
Mischievous people often use religious faith for their own interests and create conflict... .We have to look at the real message of all these traditions.

25 September 2006


I was thinking of going some place special for an anniversary dinner.
This may be a little too special, though.

19 September 2006

Hasn't he already done that?

Bush to engage skeptical U.N. on Mideast
Sorry, I thought that read Bush to enrage skeptical U.N. on Mideast.

18 September 2006

Village elders order trial by boiling oil

Now here's a great way to find out who's been stealing lunches out of the office fridge!

16 September 2006

Just a Sad State of Affairs

Polar bears drown, islands appear in Arctic thaw
OSLO (Reuters) - Polar bears are drowning and receding Arctic glaciers have uncovered previously unknown islands in a drastic 2006 summer thaw widely blamed on global warming.

14 September 2006

Apparently we're all dead!

Cult enters bunkers for one year.
MAUCHE, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyan followers of a U.S.-based religious sect which predicted the world would end after a September 12 outbreak of nuclear war moved into bunkers on Wednesday despite the failure of their prediction.
Dozens of members of the House of Yahweh -- dressed in gas masks, gloves and long overcoats -- have built a network of underground hideouts in the small highland village of Mauche.

13 September 2006

Dog Rescuer Arrested for Saving a Life

Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested September 11, 2006 for helping a dying chained dog named Doogie who could not stand.
I made a hard decision; this decision was that I could not have lived with myself or looked myself in the eye if I were such a coward as to leave Doogie lying there dying on the ground for fear of what would happen to me. I see this case as a travesty against justice...the true perpetrators of a crime are the people who left Doogie to lie there dying for three days without doing right by him.

If you feel that our pets deserve respect & humane treatment, please read this piece, & send to whomever you know, including local media outlets.

08 September 2006

Keepin' up with the Times

I had an email today from my father, telling us all that he's finally figured out how to store phone numbers in his cell phone, so we should all get that information to him to have.
And he's only had the phone for two years! Laughing and pointing

06 September 2006

Doshu - Moriteru Ueshiba at NY Aikikai


An excellent clip from Doshu's visit to the NY Aikikai on its 40th anniversary.

02 September 2006

Pack of Dogs Kill Gator in Florida

Sometimes nature is cruel but there is also a beauty in that cruelty.
The alligator, as one of the ultimate predators, can fall victim to the kind of implemented 'team work' strategy which is possible due to the pack mentality and social structure of canines.