30 April 2006

Everyone Will Be Doing it Soon!

The Poor Man's Orgasmatron


Found somewhere online, & now delightfully warming my belly!
2 oz Captain Morgan® Original spiced rum
1 oz Kahlua® Especial coffee liqueur
1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream

Shake all ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes.
Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

29 April 2006

28 April 2006

The New Intel Macs

You really have to like how well the operating systems get along... .
Can you feel the love?

27 April 2006

How Sweet

As I walk down the sidewalk towards the gym, I see an attractive young woman coming towards me, one finger working a nostril hard. Then trying to flick it off.
As we get closer, a young man approaches. As she gives him a hug & kisses his cheek, she appears to wipe it on the back of his shirt.
How sweet of her!

C'mon in...

The water's fine!
The farthest he's swum yet to get the ball.
Good Boy!

20 April 2006

19 April 2006

Worst Resumè Ever?

Not the kind of film credit I'd like to go through life with.

18 April 2006

If You Can't Slap 'Em, Snap 'Em!

What a great idea to get back at all the idiots out there!
Holla Back New York City empowers New Yorkers to Holla Back at street harassers.
Whether you're commuting, lunching, partying, dancing, walking, chilling, drinking, or sunning, you have the right to feel safe, confident, and sexy, without being the object of some turd's fantasy. So stop walkin' on and Holla Back

17 April 2006

Yeah, I'm a sucker....

But they're just so cute!

13 April 2006

Passiver with Siah

Plagues and Fun.. Two words you don't oftern associate with one another!
Family Fun with the Ten Plagues

11 April 2006


A tasty surprise in every one!

07 April 2006

06 April 2006

Puppy Update

The girl we found on the street near our house last month has been adopted!
She had to stay at the pound for six days in hopes that her owners would come to find her, but when they didn't she was made available for someone else to take home. And it only took a day or two!
I had hoped that one of my co-workers would adopt her, but as he's contemplating a job change that would take him far afield, he had to pass on the opportunity.
I'm glad she has a home, though. We had decided that if, after a week, she hadn't been adopted, we were going to go back for her, so that there wouldn't be any chance of her being euthanized.


We found a buyer for the wife's '92 Toyota, the one we replaced with a newer model Echo last fall. So come this weekend we'll have $1100.00 in the bank to pay a few bills, which is good since her student loans start to come due next month (Yikes!)
Maybe I'll let her take me out to dinner, even.

Time to get ready for Easter!

Dress Up!

Food For Thought

Loyal donkeys better than wives... .