27 October 2005

Changing History

I noticed that Titanic is about to come out on DVD, with the option of an alternate ending.
Does that mean the ship doesn't sink?
Maybe when they hit the iceberg it cracks open to reveal a secret alien military base. Leonardo DiCraprio steals their weapons & saves mankind. (But the rich guys still despise him).

When your eyes play Tricks

I saw this headline from the Washington Post: Miers's Autonomy Will Be at Issue.
But I could have sworn that it said Miers's Anatomy Will Be at Issue.
One of those moments where you just want to be struck blind!

06 October 2005

Who is Bush defining?

When Bush said this in his speech today:
"We are facing a radical ideology with immeasurable objectives to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world,"

Was he talking about Karl Rove, or Dick Cheney, or his administration in general?

04 October 2005

Moral Dilemma

The aforementioned job interview has turned into an actual offer! And I feel a little guilty since I'm not really looking to leave my position here.

I have a pretty decent job, the pay is not bad — for a state agency — I don't hate or even dislike the majority of my co-workers, I have a kick ass office (formerly a hospital room) with a huge desk covered with all my techno-geek stuff & a great view of a river flowing by down below.
As jobs go, there's not too much stress on a regular basis, just the occasional blips of emergencies & rushes that come up, I would imagine, in most businesses.
And they call & make me an offer?! The other applicants must have sucked, huh? Or maybe I just talk a better game than I realized. I mean, they did call all the references & still were interested.
The job is a little more money, not a huge increase —near the bottom of the next higher pay schedule, but I really do think that it could be immensely over my head.
And I know that the people offering me this new position are not looking for someone short term, they're just entering the second phase of a long project that will, in all likelihood, take two or three years to complete. And I would be a real schmuck to go over there for just a few months, & then leave on my own venture just when I was settling in to their routine.
I really feel that I shouldn't take their offer, & am still amazed that I was the top pick. Hell, I was just trying to get out there and put my face around a little, ya know?
Should I feel guilty about not taking their offer? I certainly don't want to leave a bad impression with them. But, as is often the case, I think, I don't want to bolt from something secure that's not too bad a thing.

01 October 2005

great plate

I saw a license plate today, that I think was supposed to denote that he is from Kentucky.
What it said, though, was 1KYGUY. So, maybe he just needs a little lube for those family get togethers in the hills... .