23 March 2006

Puppy sleepover

This little girl dropped by for a visit yesterday. My wife found her while she was out walking the boys, & brought her home.puppy
I already have a poster out for her, but can't leave her home with alone since she's teething & anything is fair game! Not to mention that she's not quite house trained yet, as we found out last night.
She's just so sweet, though, that I don't know if I can call Animal Control to have her picked up! She's sound asleep in the bedroom corner, where she slept all night last night. On the other hand, I don't know if she can stay here all day, either.
If I came home & one of our guys were missing, I'd be on the phone, & out loking right away, & putting out posters... .
puppyI can't believe that someone isn't out looking for her. She's very clean, & smells like she just had a bath. I imagine that she was on a porch, or in the yard, & that her collar somehow came off so she went exploring, as pups are wont to do. If I thought it wouldn't cause trouble, I'd just take her into work with me!
It's chilly enough today, that I don't feel like I can leave her outside in the kennel all alone, since we don't have a dog house out there yet, & she goes a little nuts in the crate ? we had to put her in there during dinner last night, because she wanted to "share".
It's tough being an animal lover sometimes, huh?

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