13 September 2009

Back at It

The new school year has started, and along with budget woes, & what it may mean for the future of any of us on campus, I'm also back in class, & scratching my head of Oracle & SQL.

Our program is largely distance ed, with groups in five locations throughout the region.
In the spring, due to a combination of technical glitches, and calendar issues, we missed three classes.

That doesn't seem like too much, until you consider that we only meet once a week, so we really missed three weeks of the semester!

And now that the we're in the next section of that class, at least a handful of students feel woefully unable to get a hold of what we're doing.

And it feels worse since there are students in the class who didn't have that issue in the spring.

With any luck the instructor will set up a major review session for us.

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