We called the vet, & after talking with her, decided to take him in for an exam, since he was obviously in a good bit of pain — & since the weather might have gotten worse on Sunday, too.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't out shootin' hoops with his buds, or playing softball, so we're really not sure how it happened.
He did, however, have the distinctive smell that one might pick up running haphazardly through the cow pasture up above our house.
Our best guess is that he was being chased by something a good bit larger than he is, & caught & twisted his leg as he headed for home.
Four years ago, he came home with a good-sized bite on his left hind leg, that chomped down hard enough to break it! We're thinkin' raccoon for both incidences, especially since Stanley is very wary around other cats, & would much rather hide or scamper than stay & fight.
For now, he's on "bed-rest" for the week — which amounts to staying in one room of the house with his own private litter box — and taking an anti-inflammatory every day.
And, of course, certain other animals aren't happy about not being able to get in there to have a drink from their favorite sink! And Rudy has spent most of his time nose to the door, needing to make sure that Stanley is okay, & assuring us that he will nurse Stanley back to health if only we'll let him in there =)