15 December 2005

Love Hate Relationship

One of our cats is an all white tom that adopted us not quite two years ago. And even though the first thing we did was to get him fixed, he's never quite been domesticated ? this is the same cat that put my mother-in-law in hospital this past summer.
Every time he's in the house, I feel like I have to watch him like a hawk so that he doesn't attack the younger tabbies, or mark everything he can find as his territory!
He's one of the cats that really would have done well if we could have found him a home to be a barn cat, with minimal people contact; he puts up with us, but just barely.
But now that he's gone missing for two days in the midst of the crappy winter weather, we're actually worried about him! What's up with that?
Hopefully he'll turn up safe & more sound. He's a smart guy, & probably holed up someplace warm & dry. He did lose his collar recently, so someone may have invited him in to warm up & stay awhile.

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