02 November 2005

How bout this...

After reading this article on MSNBC, I started thinking about just how insane this administration continues to be.
There has to be a more humane way to get answers, right?
So... Instead of torturing them after we catch them to get answers, we give the terrorists what they expect when they die: 72 virgins!
I bet they'd tell us anything we want to know.

And... We can promote abstinence, too:
T-shirts that say, "I'm saving it for Democracy!" passed out at every high school... . That should make the conservatives happy.
And not just for girls, as I'm sure that some of those terrorists might prefer guys, anyway.
Of course, in the military, it's still "don't ask, don't tell", so how do we know which men will want to join the new "Virgin Corps"? Guess we'll have to change that policy, which will make the liberals happy.
See, everybody wins!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a funny idea. it is more logical than the other way, but, i don't think that all the 72 virgins would be pleased at all.
maybe we should save some of the pakistani quake victims from winter and show our worth through good works like the stoppage of starvation in africa and genocides in all places that have these problems people want what we have they want a roof and food to see their kids successfull, thats all its simple th days of imerialism may not be over but they sure have been exposed for what they really are, a deadly waste of life and time on the planet.