28 July 2008

Crusin' in style

This shot was taken by a friend's wife in front of the bank where she works.
Looks like one happy dog!

20 July 2008

We continue to fail our veterans

Soldier in famous photo never defeated 'demons' - Yahoo! News
Officers had been to the white ranch house at 560 W. Longleaf many times before over the past year to respond to a "barricade situation." Each had ended uneventfully, with Joseph Dwyer coming out or telling police in a calm voice through the window that he was OK.
But this time was different.
The Iraq War veteran had called a taxi service to take him to the emergency room. But when the driver arrived, Dwyer shouted that he was too weak to get up and open the door.
The officers asked Dwyer for permission to kick it in.
"Go ahead!" he yelled.
They found Dwyer lying on his back, his clothes soiled with urine and feces. Scattered on the floor around him were dozens of spent cans of Dust-Off, a refrigerant-based aerosol normally used to clean electrical equipment.
Dwyer told police Lt. Mike Wilson he'd been "huffing" the aerosol.
"Help me, please!" the former Army medic begged Wilson. "I'm dying. Help me. I can't breathe."
Unable to stand or even sit up, Dwyer was hoisted onto a stretcher. As paramedics prepared to load him into an ambulance, an officer noticed Dwyer's eyes had glassed over and were fixed.
A half hour later, he was dead.

14 July 2008

Stupefaction Guaranteed!

The latest entry into my energy drink tryouts:
Stewie's Mind Erase Elixir, from Boston America.Stewies mind eraser
While not amazingly great, it does pack a nice caffeine buzz with 120mg in 8.4 ounces! Along with 1000mg of Taurine, 50 mg of Inositol, 25 mg of Guarana, & 25mg of Ginseng.

Tastes just a little too much like Hawaiian Punch, though.

With a can like that, though, who can resist?

But does he like to be dipped in milk?

(CNN) — Longtime Washington talk-show host John McLaughlin is facing fire Monday for referring to Barack Obama as an "Oreo" during a segment on his Sunday political program, "The McLaughlin Group.

01 July 2008


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